Art Direction

Multi-object campaign to sponsor a non-alcoholic beer.
The chosen brand was Heineken.

Multi-object campaign to sponsor a non-alcoholic beer.
The chosen brand was Heineken.


Thanks to its benefits and the very act of drinking beer, the consumer will enjoy the same pleasures as classic beer, but without the related harm. To promote it, the aim is to dispel some myths that warn against drinking.

Thanks to its benefits and the very act of drinking beer, the consumer will enjoy the same pleasures as classic beer, but without the related harm. To promote it, the aim is to dispel some myths that warn against drinking.

Reason Why

Non-alcoholic beer has a low calorie, is rich in vitamins and fiber and helps hydrate the body.

Non-alcoholic beer has a low calorie, is rich in vitamins and fiber and helps hydrate the body.

Non-alcoholic beer has a low calorie, is rich in vitamins and fiber and helps hydrate the body.


The non-alcoholic beer offers all the pleasures
of a normal beer, but without being bound by the presence of alcohol.

The non-alcoholic beer offers all the pleasures
of a normal beer, but without being bound by the presence of alcohol.

The non-alcoholic beer offers all the pleasures of a normal beer, but without being bound by the presence of alcohol.


Ci rivolgiamo a tutte quelle persone che non vogliono privarsi del piacere dei piccoli sfizi. Sono persone
che amano la birra e il suo sapore ma purtroppo vanno incontro a circostanze in cui devono privereste
a causa del tasso alcolemico.

Ci rivolgiamo a tutte quelle persone che non vogliono privarsi del piacere dei piccoli sfizi.
Sono persone che amano la birra
e il suo sapore ma purtroppo
vanno incontro a circostanze
in cui devono privereste
a causa del tasso alcolemico.

We turn to all those people who do not want to deprive themselves of the pleasure of small whims.
They are people who love beer and its flavor but unfortunately face circumstances in which they must deprive because of alcohol content.